Key Issues & Initiatives
- Proactively Halting the School to Prison Pipeline & Reducing Trauma
- Dyslexia Initiative & Ensuring Literacy For All Kids
- Collaborative Solutions to Equitable School Funding in our County
- Mental Health (ERMHS) & Disabilities Rights
- Inclusive Educational Opportunities for All Kids
Forward Together
As a member of the County Board of Education, I have been elevating conversations about how we're working toward better outcomes for students with disabilities and of other historically marginalized groups.
I am asking questions about whether these students continue to be over-represented in suspensions and expulsions, as well as in the juvenile justice system - and what we're doing to impact change in our "school to prison pipeline."
In the midst and the wake of the Pandemic, we have increased our focus on student mental health and wellness, but I am also concerned about teacher and staff mental health and wellness. The increased focus on these needs is important, but we must be cognizant of the fact that we were in dire need of additional supports pre-Pandemic, so we must stay the course and increase our efforts of early identification, intervention and wrap around services, which are exceedingly helpful, and not implemented nearly often enough.
I am asking questions about whether these students continue to be over-represented in suspensions and expulsions, as well as in the juvenile justice system - and what we're doing to impact change in our "school to prison pipeline."
In the midst and the wake of the Pandemic, we have increased our focus on student mental health and wellness, but I am also concerned about teacher and staff mental health and wellness. The increased focus on these needs is important, but we must be cognizant of the fact that we were in dire need of additional supports pre-Pandemic, so we must stay the course and increase our efforts of early identification, intervention and wrap around services, which are exceedingly helpful, and not implemented nearly often enough.