As a parent in the San-Mateo Foster City School District since 2009, as a former Board Trustee for our District (2013-2017), and in my current role on the San Mateo County Board of Education, I have had frequent conversations with stakeholders about how we might better serve kids who are diagnosed (or may need to be diagnosed) with dyslexia in our public schools.
There is no lack of research around how to serve students with dyslexia, and indeed, the State of California developed Guidelines for serving students with dyslexia back in 2017, with the stated purpose of "assist[ing] regular education teachers, special education teachers, and parents in identifying, assessing, and supporting students with dyslexia." The Guidelines drew upon "both current research and the collective professional wisdom and experience of the members of the Dyslexia Guidelines Work Group." The San Mateo County SELPA Director shared the State Guidelines and recommended practices with our County's school districts following their release, as she was a participant in the Dyslexia Guidelines Work Group and understood the impact of their application. We know that early dyslexia identification and implementation of teaching strategies for intervention are very important and require a "concerted and relentless effort" to implement. If your District is leading in this effort, I'd love to know more about it, as well as if you'd like more information on this issue, please feel free to contact me. Widespread implementation of best practices for early dyslexia identification and implementation of teaching strategies will help us reach our shared goal of ensuring that all kids in San Mateo County have a strong foundation for lifelong learning. Chelsea Bonini San Mateo County Board of Education, Trustee *All references herein are to the California Dyslexia Guidelines
August 2023
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