A Stanford study finds that at least 2,600 students in San Mateo County schools have experienced ‘housing instability," and this is linked to chronic absenteeism, lower graduation rates, and higher suspension rates among students. Affected students were also disproportionately Latinx, Black, and English language learners.
https://news.stanford.edu/2022/04/19/least-2600-students-san-mateo-county-schools-experienced-housing-instability-stanford-study-finds/ *** Also See: https://sdg.lamayor.org/our-work/projects/understanding-linkages-between-student-housing-insecurity-and-educational (Above images borrowed from LAUSD for important content and recommendations)
Federal Funding for special education is NOT sufficient… and it never has been.
You can submit comments to the California Department of Education (CDE), Special Education Division, regarding its preliminary application for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2022 federal funding under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), as Amended in 2004, Public Law 108-446. The CA application is available for 60 days and public written comment will be accepted for at least 30 days prior to submission to the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). Written comments will be accepted from April 1 to May 2, 2022. See: https://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/se/as/fndapp22.asp... Your voice matters. #forkids #forteachers #opportunity #inclusion #accountability Even pre-pandemic, our students were experiencing rising levels of mental health diagnoses which were frequently not addressed adequately in our schools, and in the wake of the pandemic, this crisis has worsened.If you are a teacher or work with kids in San Mateo County and have not yet been trained in YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID, you can find out more & enroll here: https://www.smchealth.org/.../youth-mental-health-first-aid #forkids #forfamilies #forcommunity #forSanMateoCounty #EveryDay [See Article]
Teachers are the most important component of the plan for Universal Transitional Kindergarten (UTK).
"School districts across the state are scrambling to hire an estimated 11,000 teachers and 25,000 teacher assistants to expand transitional kindergarten. It’s a tall order for school district officials already in the midst of a daunting educator shortage and coming out of the pandemic. “If we can’t find staffing, we just flat can’t do it,” said Mike Martin, superintendent of the County Office of Education in Modoc County. “It’s not like we have a pool of folks lined up asking to come to work in our districts. We are competing with everybody else out there for these same folks.”" https://calmatters.org/education/k-12-education/2022/03/california-teacher-shortage-pre-kindergarten/ |
August 2023
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